First time moving out? Don’t fret, get help

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First time moving out? Don’t fret, get help

Singapore’s work sector is now filled with young professionals who are commonly living independently. With this, it is often no longer a surprise for to get a lot of calls from Singaporeans and foreigners alike seeking help in transferring from one house to another. This is particularly tougher for those who will be shifting places in Singapore for the first time.

From dealing with first-timers to veteran nomads, there is one realization, and a quite basic one that we came up with – no task is bigger if you get some help. And we’re not only talking about moving services help. In fact, the moving services will only be required during the last few phases of moving out. But, we all know that moving out does not simply require transferring things from one place to another. There is still a tedious process before you get to that part, and this is usually what commonly frets people who are technically living alone in the city and is planning to move out.

One of the most challenging parts is deciding on which things to bring and which ones to live behind. Many of the clients that we have encountered will actually not be owning an entire apartment but will be co-sharing it with other renters. So, there’s a lot of consideration that goes into that in terms of space and practicality. To make this easier, it won’t harm to actually communicate first with the future roommates about the space availability in the new apartment. They can even help in picking out items that you may already leave behind because they already have it in your new place. Simple effort of reaching out like this can save you from a lot of dilemmas.

Friends and even workmates can also help in packing the essential stuff. They can even make fun box labels for you. Doing all these alone will definitely seem like a daunting task, but if there are other people who can bring in their creativity and humour during the packing and unpacking phase, then it shouldn’t be so hard.

Lastly, the key to moving to a new place is in the preparation, not just of the physical things but also of the mental state.

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